Jo over at Sinus Arrhythmia has a powerful post up about the effects of alcohol.
Go check it out. It got me thinking.
I hate alcohol.
I hate that it takes control away from those who choose to drink it.
I hate that it has become socially acceptable to self-medicate with it.
I hate that it makes people lose their inhibitions and do things that they never would have done otherwise, go places they never would have gone otherwise, and let people do things to them that will scar them for the rest of their lives.
I hate that everyone assumes that if they only drink in moderation it will not affect them.
I hate that they don't realize that it will affect them. Can't they see that ninety percent of alcoholics started by "drinking in moderation".
I hate that so many of these people never realized that they were no longer drinking in moderation until they ruined their lives, or until they ruined somebody else's life.
I hate that you think that you are only drinking in moderation and that everything will be okay.
I hate that those who make the well-thought-out and wise decision to stay away from alcohol are ridiculed and scorned by those who don't understand that life can be even more fun, relationships more rewarding, and intelligence better fostered without the false promises that alcohol offers.
I hate that it has cost us as a society untold billions and trillions in lost wages, and productivity and lives.
I hate that it has cost untold millions of lost relationships and lost innocence.
I hate that patients come in to my Emergency Room on a daily basis because they are so drunk that they passed out in the street again, or because they have ulcers or seizures or jaundice or hypertension or infections or depression or malnutrition or cancer or heart failure caused by their inability to stop drinking.
I hate that patients come in to my Emergency Room because they were driving home to their families and singing along to the radio when out of nowhere somebody locked in the trance of alcohol runs into their car.
I hate that I have to be in the room when the doctor declares them dead.
I hate that wives and even husbands come in to my Emergency Room because they have been abused by spouses who have been drinking again.
I hate that children come in to my Emergency Room because they have been abused by parents who have been drinking again.
I hate that there are wives and husbands and children that don't even know that they have somewhere to turn when their loved ones have been drinking again.
I hate that the nurses and medics that surround me every day and see these same things still go out like idiots and get drunk at parties and become the same people that they complain about all day.
I hate that miracle drugs get pulled off the market because of side effects that are experienced by a few, but alcohol not only remains available, not only remains legal, not only remains easy to obtain, but also remains encouraged and even sensualized by society.
I hate that so-called scientists who want to find reasons to continue enjoying their drinking habits participate in shoddy and unprofessional "research" to come up with any possible silver lining that is the storm of alcohol.
I hate that most of the people who will read this post will be trying to come up with reasons why I am wrong and why alcohol isn't that bad.
I hope that someday we will be able to be honest as a society and let go of the crutch that is alcohol.
I hope that someday we will embrace life and learn to love it as it comes to us, without the mind-deadening effects of alcohol, without the body-rotting diseases that come along for the ride, and without the fear and pain and embarrassment that follow behind.
I pray that maybe one person who reads this post will stop long enough to truly ponder what I am saying and give up alcohol for a better life.
If alcohol were a prescription drug, no doctor would ever prescribe it because whatever positive effects it may have are drastically outweighed by the endless list of negative side effects, and even if a doctor wanted to prescribe it, they wouldn't because they would get sued until they had nothing left to give up.
So why do we continue to prescribe it to ourselves?