There are now 50 people who read my blog on Google Reader and many others who use other services, and since I have my blog set to publish the entire text - even when it is long and rambling like this one is starting to be - there is no incentive for you to actually click the link and go visit my actual webpage. I'm not about to change that, because the great thing about a feed reader is that - gasp - you can actually read the feed and not just get teased by a few lines that you then have to click a link to go read the rest. About the only blog that I let get away with such attrocities and still maintain my regular patronage (was that a sentence?) is Crass Polination (please note that there is onlly 1 l in polination, because everybody knows that you shouldn't add a second l. That would just be sily, and would probablly keep you from getting publlished on the littlle side bar of your favorite nurse who is llike totally your homey but who judges you based on simplle speling mistakes. No, I'm not bitter. Why do you ask?)
Anyway, if you skipped all that to find out what my experiment is, then you are probably an ER Nurse who has learned to ignore most of what a patient says until they finally get to the point. Congratulations. Here it is:
Those of you who read my blog in a feed reader, please click on this post to actually bring the blog up in your browser today. It will just take a second and think about how much you are benefitting humanity by doing so. If you want to be even cooler, leave a comment.
Your Humblle Correspondent and all-around good speler
I have attained coolness. Who knew this was all it took?
Is it still cool if I correct you?
On this side of the pond there are 2 l's in pollination.
Ah well, UK and USA separated by a common language.
Sorry, Blogger playing up.
Is leaving a comment really going to make me cooler, or is it just going to make you feel cooler for having comments? :)
I enjoy your blog a lot - especially since you publish the entire text to readers and I can read it from google reader!
Congrats, you made the sidebar. Check it out.
As a google reader, ahem, "reader". I'm happy to say hello. :D
I've been reading since sometime in June, I think. I read through bloglines. Your blog is very awesome, and I definitely appreciate the full text of the posts.
I have clicked! And commented! And yes, I read you through Google's reader, though I think I may have mentioned that before.
I love google reader! The net nanny is much less likely to take offense if I spend all day on google.com. Thank you for putting through the full posts, I wish everyone would do that...
The first time (or two, ok, maybe more than two) that I came across one of those half text posts, I was bewildered and pissed off that the author just stopped in the middle of the post.
I finally figured that mystery out.
Now I have to go find Google Reader and see what that is about....
I subscribe to you in my reader but rarely use that, I just go down my list of blog favorites and go to the blogs that I feel like.
You're listed in my sidebar as ONE OF THE HOMIES I READ DILIGENTLY. So there.
I subscribed to you in my google reader but rarely use it either. I just click on your blog off my blogroll.
Sorry, bloglines all the way for me.
I always read in google reader.
Then again, sometimes I click through and read posts from before I subscribed.
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