Friday, November 14, 2008

One Step Closer to Supporting National Healthcare

I just got off the phone from a very long and emotional phone call to my insurance company.  The literature that I used to base my insurance selection from led me to believe that the baby costs were 100 percent covered.

They aren't.

It turns out that we owe thousands of dollars, and the insurance company was unwilling to budge.  So it looks as though my insurance will cost me many many thousands of dollars this year when copays, deductibles, and bimonthly payments are taken into account.  And this is supposed to be a good plan.

And to make the sting worse, my brother (who works for a software company) was telling me today about his health insurance - no copays, no deductibles, no monthly payments.  I should have been a computer programmer.


Epijunky said...

You and me both Braden.

Curdie said...

My husband is a programmer. We paid $4,300 out of pocket for an unplanned c-section in July. My first c-section 3 years ago cost $1,700 out of pocket.

My friend's husband is in a union. They paid $40 for their daughter's birth.

Anonymous said...

It's true, healthcare workers have the worst healthplans, seems kind of ironic doesn't it?

Sorry man, hope things work out.

Gina said...

Healthcare workers and teachers, both. That's part of why my husband got out of teaching. That and the crappy kids.

Unknown said...

Feelin' your pain, Braden. I have a $2500 deductible (family-wide), and because we are healthy, we get whacked. It really sucks. The only good thing that happened is when I changed jobs in June my premiums did go down considerably - we'll see how long that lasts. Other than that, I hate opening my mail most days.....