I have a new poll in my sidebar. Take a moment and let me know how it is on your unit when it comes to anti-nausea medications. If you want to comment on the issue, do so here.
We use an even amount of Zofran and Phenergan. My personal favorite is Droperidol, which is a common PACU drug. Anything but the dreaded Anzamet, which was crap from the get-go, but cheaper for the hospitals to stock.
I once had a very bad reaction to IV reglan-my skin was crawling and I got so anxious that I thought I was going crazy.
That being said, I try to give my patients zofran. In general, I think it works better with fewer side effects. I do remember though in OB we gave people phenergan for its relaxing side effects.
Zofran is a standard admission order....docs just go down the checklist and zofran is the anti-nausea med listed. The only time we really use phenergan is with codeine for coughing.
"...As the explorers investigated this newfound treasure, they were drawn to the currency of this civilization. Ordinary in appearance but with the words E Pluribus Braden inscribed carefully along the border and with a picture of a strikingly handsome young nurse emblazoned boldly in the center. Truly this must have been a remarkable people..."
Excerpt from "A History of Earth" by Marcus T. Marian. Published by Megadodo Publications, Ursa Minor.
No, I'm not giving you medical advice. Talk to your Primary Care ER Doctor for that.
No, it isn't you I'm talking about. Believe it or not, you are not the only patient who came in the ER with that same complaint in the last year, let alone the last week. Besides, I'm not breaking any HIPAA laws because I'm not divulging any identifying information, and I'm probably combining three cases together and changing the gender and age when I write about that crazy patient anyway.
Besides, even if it is you, do you really want to admit to having done that?
We use an even amount of Zofran and Phenergan. My personal favorite is Droperidol, which is a common PACU drug. Anything but the dreaded Anzamet, which was crap from the get-go, but cheaper for the hospitals to stock.
I once had a very bad reaction to IV reglan-my skin was crawling and I got so anxious that I thought I was going crazy.
That being said, I try to give my patients zofran. In general, I think it works better with fewer side effects. I do remember though in OB we gave people phenergan for its relaxing side effects.
Zofran is a standard admission order....docs just go down the checklist and zofran is the anti-nausea med listed. The only time we really use phenergan is with codeine for coughing.
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