Saturday, July 12, 2008

Crass-Polination Blog

I just want to say that my favorite ER Nurse blog to read is over at Nurse K's place.

Somehow she finds time to post something just about every day, and they are always interesting and insightful, and "If you're dying, she'll save you, if you're looking for narcs, she'll show you the door. Nurse K knows her stuff, and loves her work, and her blog shows why being an ER nurse is one of the best jobs around" (oops did I accidentally put that in quotations to make it easier for Nurse K to cut and paste it into her sidebar? And then did I conveniently provide her with a link to 20 out of 10? Sorry about that. My fingers must have slipped.)

Go check her out, but whiny entitled commies need not apply.

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